Beech interrupted

This tree basket will have to wait till November for its sides. The beech twigs I collected in April have lain too long and even soaking won’t make them supple again. Rather than fight with brittle twigs, I’m happy to wait for winter and this year’s new growth.

The little unfinished beech coil was my demonstration piece over the Open Studios weekend. It helped explain basket construction to many people and its slow growth shows how busy we were! Thanks to everyone who came along and to the Centre for Stewardship for hosting us. We had some great conversations and Tess and I can see our work more clearly in the light of your feedback. I’ll be offering at least two workshops this summer and autumn in response to the interest shown, dates and venues will be posted here once arranged.

Black and green

Seapods at the SSA is sold! I’m very pleased, and encouraged.

On to the next one, made for a friend’s birthday. Green holly and beech, both from Strathmiglo. The holly twigs were tricky to work with, even after I removed the leaves and took the gloves off. It has a mind of its own. Will it keep its lovely colour?
